Bitmex Twitter Hacked User Funds are Safe
The leading cryptocurrency futures exchange Bitmex twitter exchange is hacked. Earlier today Bitmex expose thousands of user's email details in public because they!-->…
Central Bank of Argentina Restricts Buying Bitcoin With Credit Cards
After limiting the US Dollar Trades, The Central Bank of Argentina just announced the ban or restrictions on the use of credit cards in buying bitcoin and other!-->…
Bitcoin Futures Exchange Volume Making New All-Time High
The Bitcoin futures market gets a lot of interest in 2019. Binance has launched its own Bitcoin futures contract trading platform. The most waited Bitcoin futures!-->…
XRP Has the Highest Number of Daily Transactions Among All Cryptocurrencies
The daily transactions on XRP chain are skyrocketing in the past week. The daily XRP transactions are nearing all-time high of 1.70 Million transaction daily.!-->!-->!-->…
Bitcoin Price Prediction: CME Gap at $9000
Bitcoin has pumped hard on 25 October and gains 42% in a single day. That was the third biggest gains in Bitcoin history since 2009. After the comment from China's!-->…