Project Rundown Interview with CleanOcean


Hey guys! Happy to connect today and learn more about CleanOcean! Can you tell us more about the founding of the project and what the problem is that you were addressing?

Greetings from the Clean Ocean team, and thanks for having us. CleanOcean was founded in March 2021 by Jan Hornig and Daniel Fecht as a registered Company in Germany. Both were travelling a lot through Asia before coming back to Germany and experienced the harm inflicted by human-made pollution to our planet. Inspired by the charity and eco-token movement early 2021, they decided to create something that can leave an impact and help the preservation of our oceans.

Could you please give us a rundown of the most important things about CleanOcean?

Contrary to many crypto projects, we put quality before quantity. We do not follow basic pump and dump schemes, but focus on long-term success with a clear strategy in mind. CleanOcean is run by a fully doxxed and dedicated team who is constantly working on the project in a transparent manner.
 collecting fees, CleanOcean is able to collect funds for internal operations and ocean-preservation. We hire people, our so-called ”Task Forces”, that clean up heavily polluted areas all over the globe. This way we can support struggling families in need for work and preserve our planet at the same time.
CleanOcean is also known to be the first project of its kind. We are first movers and like to innovate the space instead of copying what everyone else does.

Project Rundown Interview with CleanOcean 1

So going forth into 2021 and beyond, how will CleanOcean make an impact in the crypto space, or on the world?

CleanOcean has already reached the goal to be a well known and respected name inside the eco-token area, with this load of trust the expectations are always high, but the CleanOcean team will give everything to reach all public and internal goals.

Currently, the smart contract for our $CLEAN Token is being updated and holders are migrating their assets. This is a huge leap forward for the whole project.

In the eco-department we already have projects in areas ranging from asia to africa, we aim to cover most of the globe by the end of next year and set up a system based on circular economy, to utilize harvested plastic and create value outside of the blockchain to stabilize the company.

Now, could you tell us about your accomplishments so far, and in the history of the project, please tell us what you are most proud of.

In the first couple of Months we already managed to invest around 14.000$ into ocean preservation. During the summer that, was haunted by a market crash, we worked hard on financial and organizational structures of the company to make it ’’bear-market proof’’.

By the end of summer we dispatched our first clean-up Task Force in Sri Lanka, which is one of the most beautiful memorys of our work.

Talking about milestones, it was a huge honor to host a livestream event together with Sea Shepherd, to spread awareness about our cause.

Now, give us a quick rundown of the future of CleanOcean. For example, what new things are you seeking to bring to life and what will it mean for the overall project?

In this case we need to seperate CleanOcean as a company and the token $CLEAN to give a proper answer. In the case of CleanOcean we want to further build up our Task Force network and reach to be active globally. While doing that we want to create some kind of circular economy structure where we can actively recycle and reuse the collected plastic.

Going back to the topic of crypto, we want to push our token CLEAN much more than before and show how real change is possible with crypto investments and blockchain technology. Financially we want to greatly surpass our old all-time-high and bring crypto step-by-step closer to the mainstream.

Our greatest goal is to close the bridge between donating and investing, to give people the freedom of growing their investments while also contributing to positive change in the real world.

Tell us about your team. Who’re the people behind the screens?

Our team is mostly living and working in Germany, but we have people all over Europe. I (Jan Hornig) am the CEO of CleanOcean. My daily tasks are mostly communication and organisation. As CEO many parts of the process go through me. On the technical side we have Daniel who is our CTO and lead developer. Everything regarding the smart contract, website and blockchain services we develop is in his hands. Marketing is led by Tim (CMO), who is constantly finding new ways to improve our reach. Last but not least, every company needs competent task managment which lays in the trusted hands of Danny. He is keeping an overview on strategy-execution but also engages a lot in content creation for the CleanOcean social media channels.

Which partnerships have CleanOcean engaged so far, and which ones are the most impactful?

CleanOcean is currently partnered with Wasteless Arugam Bay and Sana Mare e.V. to reach our common goal of preserving our oceans.

We also engaged in many collaborations with companies and projects in our field, like the above meantioned collaboration with Sea Shepherd. Most partnerships actually take place behind the scenes, where we love to connect with other great projects in the crypto space, to help each other out. We do not see other projects as competition. We are all very early and no one has to fight for market share at this moment, so it’s in everyones greatest interest to help each other out and multiply our potential.

Now on a more technical side of things, what are the coin metrics for §CleanOcean, and how do these lead to a stable and balanced system?

We just upgraded our smart contract to CLEAN V2 and with that changed our Tokenomics dramatically to the better.

Our new total supply got shortened to one billion tokens, of which almost 40% are burned. We have full control over almost all aspect of the smart contract, withing reasonable limits, which gives us the ability to actively manage everything and reacting to trends and market situations. This way we made sure, that the token is easily trackable by all common services like CoinMarketCap and there aren no technical issues regarding exchange listings.

We also hardcoded security features into the contract to prevent anyone from exploiting the reflection system or honeypotting the contract.
This smart contract is by a large mile the most advanced one we have seen in the BSC space so far.

Project Rundown Interview with CleanOcean 2

If people would like to follow CleanOcean on your social media pages, visit your website or read your important documents like your white paper, what are the links they need to visit? Please list them below.

Whitepaper and investor news:

Twitter: @cleanoceantoken

Instagram: @cleanoceantoken

Thank you so much for your time! Do you have anything to add before we finish?

Thank you for the great questions!

While the Metaverse is becoming the largest topic of our generation, we should not forget to care about the only real planet we have.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be a source of investment, financial, technical, tax, or legal advice. All of this content is for informational purposes only. Readers should do their own research. The Capital is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by reliance on any information mentioned in this article.

Originally Published at
The Capital

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