US lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains why she doesn’t have crypto

A US official, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, revealed that she doesn’t hold any of the crypto assets. And also explained why she doesn’t have funds in crypto investment.
The last few months of United States’ politicians were popular because of their initiatives to show support toward the Bitcoin and crypto industry. It was a political agenda to grab attention and votes. And also it is a reality that not all US lawmakers or government officials likes crypto. In the present time, there are very few crypto supporters, especially female US officials.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the US lawmaker, appeared in the latest AskMeAnything session on Instagram and said that she doesn’t hold crypto assets.
The reason behind no crypto investment or holding by AOC is clear. She said that she wants to do her job “ethically” and “impartially.”
AOC said that she doesn’t believe that Congress should hold any type of crypto assets or stocks because they are at that position, where they are working to make rules and regulations. In particular, this thing applies to those congresspersons, which are in the Financial Services Committee( FSC), which are responsible for handling all the financial regulations and making necessary guidelines for the industry.
However, here AOC is right to a great extent but here we can’t forget US senator Cynthia Lummis from Wyoming, who is fully dedicated to her job as well as better regulations and laws for the crypto industry. Many times, she asserted that people should have retirement funds in Bitcoin. And also she raised her voice in support of the crypto industry against the $1 trillion infrastructure bill of the US, which was restricting all the crypto miners, validators to report the transactions. And ensured that US lawmakers will fix it soon.
Lawmakers against lawmakers insider trading
This is a big reality of this world, where rich and high-level people can make more money than the poor because of their reach at a high level.
According to many US officials, if lawmakers will do trading in stocks, shares, and crypto then there are chances that they can misuse their power and they can do insider trading.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one of the lawmakers, who supported them and helped to pass the bipartisan bill to restrict all the lawmakers from investing in stocks and order industry’s assets.
Read also: Fidelity looking for Bitcoin spot ETF application approval with SEC, after Canada