56% Bitcoin Mining Firms Are Based On Green Energy, Will Tesla Accept Bitcoin Soon?


Benjamin Cowen tweeted, more than 50% of mining firms are operating on green energy. And now people are poking Elon Musk for his decision to suspend bitcoin as payment option.

Benjamin Cowen who is founder of BC analytics, tweeted about the source energy that is used by the mining firms for mining operations.

Benjamin tweeted that 56% of the bitcoin mining operations are going on Green source of energy.

Through his tweet he reminded people that the Cryptocurrency community were doing meetings and planning to operate bitcoin mining operations on green energy and now it is happening in reality.

And he tried to poke Elon Musk whether he will allow Tesla motors company to accept Bitcoin from now on or not.

Few months ago, Elon Musk tweeted  and informed people that ” Tesla will not accept Bitcoin because of Carbon footprint”.

After lots of criticism and troll Elon Musk changed his plan for Tesla and Bitcoin.

And after that he tweeted that Tesla will accept Bitcoin. But here it should be noticed that he used “ will accept Bitcoin”  not ” accepting bitcoin” .

And aslo Elon Musk tweeted that he will start to accept Bitcoin when 50% of the energy will be used by mining will have source of sustainable energy.

But now it is Benjamin Cowen and few other crypto experts who are trying to remind Elon Musk of their decision.

Well here is one thing we should notice, Elon Musk already entered in the support for the green energy production for Bitcoin mining purpose.

And also many companies and authorities appreciated Elon Musk for his decision for green energy based Bitcoin mining.

And also here we can see, El Salvador president Nayib Bukele announced to start the energy production setup in Salvador’s volcano to produce cheap and green energy for Bitcoin mining operations. Read full article about it here 

Related: Miners Are Making Profit Because Of China Ban On Crypto Mining

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