Former CFTC joins VC firm Andreessen Horowitz as an advisor


Horowitz firm welcomed former CFTC to help fight against legal scruinities. 

In the present time, it is a very critical situation for the crypto firm and all  companies which are running their business in this crypto industry. Most of the crypto firms faced scruinities issues to a very high extent over the last few years. So we can say, all the crypto companies are in need to hire better legal advisors, who can help them to settle their matters with the watchdogs easily. 

Andreessen Horowitz is a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley, California. And this firm now hired former United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission ( CFTC) leader, Brian Quintenz. 

Katie Haun, Andreessen Horowitz general partner, stated on this matter on Thursday and said

“As part of our larger effort to make sure we have a world-class support system in place when it comes to policy and regulatory matters, I’m thrilled to announce that Brian Quintenz, a former Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, is joining as an advisory partner on the crypto team”

Last year, this firm faced some significant conversation about their services in the  U.S. and abroad. So at that time, Andreessen Horowitz firm came to know that they needed a legal advisor for their crypto related services. And they needed that level of advisor who can handle the situation more perfectly. So we can say, probably the former CFTC is a better option for the firm. 

Now the firm will settle their digital assets related matters easily with the two most significant regulatory agencies, The CFTC and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

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