Cardano Creator says no partnership with Amazon


Charles Hoskinson responded to a poll tweet about the Cardano and Amazon company partnership. 

About 4-5 days ago, a Cardano fan posted a tweet with a poll for their followers. That Cardano fan opened the poll to see whether people want to see the Amazon  e-commerce company establish a partnership with Cardano ( obviously to accept payment in ADA coin). 

Read also: Cardano Creator Compares Burning ADA to Stealing groceries from a supermarket

In the poll, 67.9% of people supported the option yes. And only 32.1% responded to no. 

So, around 68% people out of around 4000 people support and are willing to see Cardano- Amazon partnership. 

When Charles Hoskinson, CEO and founder of Cardano project, saw this tweet poll then they tweeted “ Not my knowledge either”.

So Charles Hoskinson confirmed that there is no ongoing partnership like things. And probably there are no chances also, because already Amazon e-commerce company officially announced that they are not going to accept crypto payments, while they will work on research of blockchain technology and was hiring crypto & blockchain expert engineers.

Cardano popular after hard fork on Mainnet

After the successful fork on Cardano blockchain network, smart contract feature enabled. And after that most of the experts believe that Cardano will now attract huge numbers of projects to their ecosystem because of their ability with new features. Also a result of the inflow of huge numbers of crypto projects can be seen on the Cardano network.

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