China Includes Blockchain Technology in $50 Trillion “New Infrastructure”


Blockchain has formally been accepted in China’s “new infrastructure” combined with other arriving techniques, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things.

NDRC National Development Reform Commission, According to it, China’s high – grade economy commission, blockchain will form interconnected information of nation and technology infrastructure.

What is “New Infrastructure”?

The term new infrastructure was coming ahead in early 2018 by the traditional infrastructure development such as, railway, roads, airports, the new infrastructure concert concentrating on new public requirements that provide the demands of new industrialization, in different sectors like 5-G, ultra high voltage power facilities, local transport, motor charging centers, artificial intelligence, and industrial internet.

At NDRC’s recent press conference on April 20, blockchain is the freshly launched high tech sector into the new infrastructure.

What does it mean for Blockchain?

“Instead of simply turning to the old playbook of investment stimulus, the country should promote a new round of infrastructure construction through reform and innovation,” said Ren Zeping, chief economist of Chinese property developer Evergrande.

On priority, China is mainly focusing on to outcome from the Corona pandemic, and “new infrastructure”   is planned to boost the industries, markets, and all sectors to build the nation’s economy which is broken due to corona for the very long run.

As of March 10,provincial – quantity districts had released 49.6 trillion Yuan (US $7 trillion)  of investment in 22000 new infrastructure programs, having 7.6 trillions Yuan  for this year, the data released by China Economic Weekly.

The clients and capital markets already showed their great interest in these government-backed projects.

In China’s A money market, stocks connected to 5-G networks, industrial internet, city transport, motor charging centers, all are developing under new infrastructure – receives a large fund backing continuously.

Blockchain-related shares in the nation have also seen a large rise after NDRC s announcement

“The test of DC/EP and now blockchain’s inclusion into the new infrastructure mark the country’s action in accelerating the blockchain adoption following president Xi’s laud for the technology last October…We believe blockchain could transform the world, and that only with the help of the state can this industry develop quickly.” Said Zhu Youping, blockchain expert and deputy director of the China Economic Information Network at the State Information Center”

A report by 8btc, an NDRC Coordinate has been running a program on the national blockchain service network (BSN)  which would support companies with access to the systems they need to run blockchain-based applications.

It is already introduced for local commercial use and it will be available for global companies on April 25.

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