The Larva Labs’ blockchain, creator of the cyberpunk, established a partnership to work with the United Talent Agency.
CryptoPunk is getting huge popularity in these days. Significantly this platform grabbed around $305 million dollar worth of NFTs based artwork sales on their platform within the last one week. So clearly this boost in the blockchain based platform getting huge attention from almost all industries. Hollywood agents are now getting in the cryptoPunk for future work.
Read also: Visa joined the popular NFT mania CryptoPunk
According to a report by the Hollywood Reporter on 31 August, Larva Labs for intellectual property (IP) signed an agreement to work with their service with the Hollywood agent UTA.
Larva lab will serve their services in the TV, film, video games, licensing and publishing.
Meebits and Autoglyphs are also these two NFTs based project of the Larva Labs, and also it will be presented by the UTA.
The head of UTA Digital Assets, Lesley Silverman, told the Hollywood Reporter:
“I would say that it is one of the first opportunities for an IP that fully originated in the crypto-world to enter a broader entertainment space, and they earned it.”
CryptoPunk was launched in 2017. And it is also the first ever company which created NFTs based artwork creation on the Ethereum blockchain. In this present time, the ongoing project of the CryptoPunk NFT is at tremendous level because many big players of the crypto industry are showing their presence at their platform like Visa, Tron founder mr. Justin Sun etc.
Related: Tron founder spend $500,000 for a simple NFT artwork
Now CryptoPunk changed his milestone achievement into another level through a partnership with Hollywood agents. So we can say the revolution of CryptoPunk is now going in the entertainment industry.
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