Dublin University of Ireland Presents Blockchain Master’s Degree For Engineers


Dublin University of Ireland has partnered with the tech company of network Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet to offer the Blockchain Master’s Degree to the Engineers in the country reported by the Irish government’s IT department on 29 May 2019.

The Master’s in Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technologies is the country’s first ever program that is launched by the Minister Heather Humphreys TD in Dublin city of Ireland.

Ireland’s Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet has developed and launched this blockchain master program in the Dublin city university of Ireland.

This Master’s programme will help ensure we have the right skills available for companies and IT professionals to enhance their blockchain technology capability and to seize the immense opportunities that are available

– Chief Executive of Skillnet Ireland Paul Healy

The main aim of the government for launching this program is to promote the growth and development of blockchain technology in Ireland.

This blockchain master program is the two years study course on blockchain technology that will be available online as a part study course for engineers.

Deloitte and Irish Banks are together developing the education platform based on blockchain technology reported yesterday.