How To Make A Bitcoin Paper Wallet?


What is a Bitcoin Paper Wallet?

A Bitcoin Paper wallet is the piece of paper where bitcoin private key and public are printed on it.

Paper Wallet keeps private key offline (never connect to the internet) which makes it cold storage method of storing bitcoin securely.

Usually, Paper wallets get great popularity from 2011 to 2016 as a secure way to store bitcoin but after 2016 Hardware wallets take over on it by providing more features and better security.

You must keep your bitcoin paper wallet with safety and security as if you lose it then you will lose all your bitcoin stored on that bitcoin paper wallet.

How to Make a Bitcoin Paper Wallet?

Here is easy step to step guide for creating bitcoin paper wallet in a offline secure way.

  • Ultra Secure Way: Install Linux OS into Your Pen Drive and Boot your PC in live mode from pen drive having Linux OS installed OR Less Secure Way: Use your pc normally as usual.
  • Now Download source code
  • Disconnect the internet connection, Unzip the downloaded file and open the HTML file into your browser.
  • Now move your cursor to create randomness and after few seconds bitaddress will create your bitcoin paper wallet.
  • Go to the paper Wallet menu and check how your paper wallet looks like.
  • Now Click on the Print button on the upper right corner to print your bitcoin paper wallet.

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