AMD Not giving Priority for Mining Cards Over Gaming GPUs


AMD chip manufacturer firm’s CFO says they are not giving priority in the production of Mining cards over gaming cards. Firm claimed that they are suffering from a shortage of GPU cards because of the crypto industry.

Adoption of bitcoin and other crypto assets is increasing day by day. And also with the adoption of crypto, big players are entering. As we know there are multiple options to make money in crypto, crypto mining is one of the safest ways to make money at the cost of chip electricity. But due to crypto mining operations the gaming industry is full of frustration because of the shortage of GPU cards. 

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As we know, Bitcoin is one of the most precious crypto assets of the market and day by day the difficulty of mining Bitcoin is Increasing. So more and more computational power is needed to mine the crypto. To achieve high mining power, miners are using GPUs. 

So GPU cards have high demand in the crypto mining industry, but there is also a gaming industry, which also needs GPUs. And this is a big reason that Companies failed to complete the demand of GPU cards, especially for the gaming industry. 

According to reports, AMD is under very heavy pressure because it failed to complete the demand with big differences. 

In the Deutsche Bank Technology Conference, CFO of AMD Devinder Kumar said that AMD was not prioritizing GPU cryptocurrency miners. 

When Kumar questioned why they are not giving priority to the GPU miners, they said that crypto, negligible. And companies don’t want to make their products in favour of the mining industry. And their products are gamers folks, not mining folk. 

And further he added 

“What’s driven the growth, as you know, we had the Radeon 6000 Series high-end GPUs introduced very competitive and that is driving the growth in the GPU space.” 

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