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Crypto News
China’s Recent Crypto Ranking States EOS at the Top spot while Bitcoin securing 12th…
As per the recent reporting, this government-funded index firm assessed each of the Cryptocurrencies on the basis of three major criteria which were Technology,…
Bitcoin Makes a New High of $8900 in 2019
Bitcoin continues the pace after a small quick correction of $6500 (Bitmex+Bitfinex). Today Bitcoin saw an instant pump of around $1000 and touched $8950 (on!-->…
Bitcoin Cash Transactions Reversed by 51% Attack
Two Bitcoin Cash (BCH) pools reverse the transactions of another miner with the attack known as "51% Attack".In the 51% attack, the attackers successfully!-->!-->!-->…
Telecom Gaint AT&T Start Accepting Crypto Payments Via BitPay
United States Telecom Gaint AT&T start accepting Bitcoin and crypto payments via BitPay for phone bill pays, published in an official Blog Post on 23 May.!-->!-->!-->…
CME Bitcoin Futures Volume Cross Combined Volume of Coinbase, Bitstamp, Bitfinex &…
For the first time, Bitcoin futures trading volume at CME group crosses the spot trading volume of major US cryptocurrency exchanges. As per the data, institutional!-->…